As I think I've mentioned before, I joined the socktopus Bells and whistles club, and my first parcel arrived on saturday. I'm so glad I couldn't resist, the first parcel is brilliant!!!!

The yarn is a cashmere blend from The Knittery, which is an Australian Dyer, and the colours are so good! The pattern for this yarn is by Jane, the very talented designer behind the spiral socks, and check your breast socks...... also included was a sock pouch, which is great, and the first one I own, and finally( nearly forgot the chocolate) an audio book, which jane listened to whilst designing the socks! Cool or what!! I love audio books, so was especially pleased at getting another in addition to the two i get from Audible each month. I can hardly wait for the february parcel now!!!!!
I've been knitting quite a lot, and avoiding the internet to a certain extent. Less surfing certainly equals massive increase in knitting productivity:-)
This is Sherbourne, by Jane Ellison. Made in Noro Iro. Its not quite finished, I need to source and sew on a zip, and the sleeves are not seamed a yet, but I really like it!

It was my sisters birthday today, so gave her the yucky hourglass sweater, and she loved it!!!!!!!!! It fits her really well, and looks so much better on her than it did on me!
I've still got gift wrapping to do for the big day, and as I'm working tomorrow, I'd better get a move on! Merry christmas:-)

The yarn is a cashmere blend from The Knittery, which is an Australian Dyer, and the colours are so good! The pattern for this yarn is by Jane, the very talented designer behind the spiral socks, and check your breast socks...... also included was a sock pouch, which is great, and the first one I own, and finally( nearly forgot the chocolate) an audio book, which jane listened to whilst designing the socks! Cool or what!! I love audio books, so was especially pleased at getting another in addition to the two i get from Audible each month. I can hardly wait for the february parcel now!!!!!
I've been knitting quite a lot, and avoiding the internet to a certain extent. Less surfing certainly equals massive increase in knitting productivity:-)
This is Sherbourne, by Jane Ellison. Made in Noro Iro. Its not quite finished, I need to source and sew on a zip, and the sleeves are not seamed a yet, but I really like it!

It was my sisters birthday today, so gave her the yucky hourglass sweater, and she loved it!!!!!!!!! It fits her really well, and looks so much better on her than it did on me!
I've still got gift wrapping to do for the big day, and as I'm working tomorrow, I'd better get a move on! Merry christmas:-)